How to do neck massage?

This problem is very common today. The neck is a very tense area that accumulates a lot of tension throughout the day. For this reason, its treatment must be very gentle and above all, very careful so as not to damage the area. Not for this reason, we will stop putting more pressure on the areas to be liberated.
First, we work with the neck, placing the person face up, allowing access to the entire back, loosening all the posterior neck muscles with our fingers. The neck must always be flexed so as not to damage it.
Next, we will drain all the nodes in the neck area, or at least the most important ones. Above all, with great care not to injure the throat area. We can also drain the area of the salivary glands that are trapped due to the tension of the jaw.
Next, we will massage and relax the shoulders, guilty that the neck will become stiff and tense due to the daily stress that a long time of the week can have. Therefore, it is important to relax and massage this area to relax the neck.
Therefore, we must work with the jaw, since due to the mentioned stress we tend to clench our teeth, generating bruxism in some cases. And finally we must do a series of stretches that can have two ways: without a towel, with kneading or with a towel. This same, is much more pleasant and it is easier for the person to leave the neck in dead weight.